Effective 4/17/24: CTE's web portal includes DC 5629 as a routing destination.
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California Transport Enterprises (CTE) provides consolidation
distribution services to major retailers.
We also offer deconsolidation and 3PL services.
We service all of
California and Arizona.
CTE's warehouse is a 115,000 square foot, 74 door facility.
We are 15 minutes from LAX and 20 minutes from the Ports of Los Angeles and
Long Beach.
CTE has been in business since 1978.
We believe our success is based on our experienced staff that knows how to move freight accurately, quickly and at a competitive cost.
Telephone / Fax
Toll Free: 800-540-0244
Local: 323-357-1720
FAX: 323-357-1724
2610 Wisconsin Ave
South Gate, CA 90280
P.O.Box 471
South Gate, CA 90280
General Information:
Sales Information:
Customer Support:
Real Time Freight Tracing
Our customers can trace the movement of their freight through our system from the time we are notified by phone or otherwise of a pickup to the dispatching, pickup, arrival to our terminal and finally being released to their destinations. They also have access to proof of delivery (POD) information.
Document Imaging
Since 2003 CTE has deployed an image storage, retrieval and workflow processing system. Documents are digitized and stored in our imaging system. These documents are made available to:
- Internally, by our employees, for simultaneous viewing, faxing, emailing or printing.
- Externally online for our customers who wish to view and/or print any original B/L.
Integrated Barcodes
CTE uses Bar-coded stickers on the Bills of Lading during each pick-up. These bar-coded numbers are integrated with the Document Imaging and Real Time Freight Tracing systems.
Radio Dispatched Trucks
All our trucks are equipped with radio communications to stay in touch with the dispatch office and management at all time. Our operations staff can locate our trucks at any time.
Electronic Date Interchange (EDI)
CTE transmits manifest information to our customers electronically in accordance with industry standards. Information is moved swiftly and accurately, resulting in reduced paperwork, phone calls, manual data entry, faxes, postage and other handling costs.
What are your hours of service?
CTE's customer service is open from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
CTE's delivery dock is open from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
What is your holiday schedule?
We are closed on the following days in 2025:
- President's Day -- February 17
- Memorial Day -- May 26
- Independence Day -- July 4
- Labor Day -- September 1
- Thanksgiving November 27-28
- Christmas Day -- December 25
- New Year's Day -- January 1
How can I schedule a pick-up?
Please route all pick-ups through our website. Click
here for instructions.
What is the latest time I can submit a request to schedule a pick-up or delivery?
Please submit all pick-up and delivery requests as early as possible before 3:00 p.m. If you're submitting your request just before 3:00 p.m, please wait at least 30 minutes for a response. We need time to check your request and fix any possible errors.
How long should I wait before calling to make sure CTE has received my request for a pick-up or delivery?
Please wait at least 30 minutes. If it's a very busy day, like the end of the month or a Friday, it might take a little longer.
How can I fix errors in a pick-up or delivery request I have already submitted?
Please do not submit another request. Call or fax CTE with your corrections using our available forms below.
Why does CTE need a 4-hour window to pick up your freight?
The window gives us enough time to pick up everyone in your area and to allow for delays caused by traffic, accidents, bad weather, etc.
Why does CTE want to know cubic feet?
The cubic feet tells us how much space your freight will take in our truck. Knowing the cubic feet helps determine the equipment needed to pick up freight in your area. If we are given the wrong cubic feet we may send a truck without sufficient capacity for your freight.
How do you calculate the cubic feet?
Take the dimensions of your largest box in inches. (length x width x height)
Then multiply the result by the number of cartons you are shipping. Divide that number by
1,728. (one cubic foot 12x12x12 = 1,728)
Example: You have 20 cartons of different sizes. The largest box is 5x10x15. What is the cube?
Answer: (5x10x15) x 20 ?? 1728 = 8.68. When you round that figure up, your total is 9 cubic feet.
What if my freight is not completed by the ready time?
If you're not going to be ready, please call as soon as possible before your scheduled ready time. It saves us from making an unnecessary stop. Maybe we can get your freight later that day when it is ready. In some cases you might have to pay a fee if we have to reschedule at a time later in the day. If you are shipping to multiple DCs, and some of the orders are ready, give those to the driver and reschedule the rest for the next business day. Be aware of cancellation dates.
The CTE driver was here for 30 minutes and then left because the freight was not ready. Is he going to come back?
We get hundreds of pick up and delivery requests each day. Many days, our drivers are pressed for time due to the heavy volumes. We factor in a certain amount of time to count your freight, sign the bills of lading, and load it into the truck. That amount of time depends on a number of factors which you as a shipper control. Please call our customer service department for details on whether or not we will be able to complete the pick-up.
Why is it important to mark my freight PREPAID or COLLECT?
If you incorrectly mark your bill collect, we bill the retailer. When the store realizes you made a mistake, you could get a chargeback. If there is not a box for you to check prepaid or collect, please write it on your bill in capital letters.
What is CTE's SCAC code?
CTE's SCAC code is CAIE.
Where can I get a VICS bill of lading?
You can get a copy from this website, you can visit or, if you cannot access this, we can fax you one.
Operational Hours for Carriers picking up Full-Load
Non-Holiday Weekdays (Monday - Friday)
3:30 a.m. until 10:00 p.m.
Non-Holiday Weekends (Saturday - Sunday)
Saturday 5:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
Sunday -- closed
Holiday Schedule
President's Day Monday, Feb. 17, 2025 -- Closed -- No trailers will be released
Resume Normal hours Tues 2/18 at 3:30 AM
CTE makes these forms available in both PDF format and in Microsoft Word format for your convenience.
You may print these forms and make copies for future shipments.
Pick-Up/Add-on Form:
Appointment Request Form:
VICS Bill of Lading Form:
Credit Application Form:
- Please write neatly. If we can't read it, we will ask you to do it again.
- Please leave a space between each purchase order.
- When we have finished your request, we will provide you with a confirmation number.
This guarantees that we have your order scheduled.
- Please do not leave your office until you have received your confirmation number.